Privacy Policy

Personal Information
House Of Roshans protects and respects the privacy of its visitors/buyers. We shall collect and use information of users and buyers visiting our website and monitor their activities as well. Information like name, contact number, email address, billing/shipping address, card details will be asked for as and when required.

We may even collect and use technical information like browser name, internet service provider details, or operating system of the users.

We strictly do not ask for financial details, other than the details required for making product purchase on the website. The information shared by you shall be restricted to that particular order only.


Your personal information shall be used for -

·       Collecting Information

·       Receiving Customer Feedback

·       Enhancing Customer Experience

·       Refunds/Updates/Mails/Transactions

We have adopted best practices to protect our customers’ personal/financial information from any kind of illegal access. Also, we shall share basic information of users with our advertisers, business partners, affiliates and third-party service providers. 

House Of Roshans may make changes to the above stated privacy policy time to time as per its discretion. We request our end users to keep a check of the same while making purchases. We encourage our buyers to keep a check of our policy on protecting personal and financial information, if they haven’t done for a longer period of time.



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